Dracula's Riddle Walkthrough

Hi Guys, want to test you logic, common sense, IQ?, try to solve the riddles on this game, Click here to go to the main page, and by the way, if you got stuck on a level, and you really need help, here is a walkthrough for this game, xD, 

Level 1: The Dark Woods of Veros – Your clue to this level (in the page source) is that each number has one succeeding it, except 26. It is referring to the alphabet – there are 26 numbers in the alphabet. Each number represents a letter; a=1, b=2, c=3, etc. Substituting the numbers 4 1 18 11 14 5 19 19 gives you your answer – darkness.
Level 2: Haunted Forest of Veros – Your page source clue is “if my mind had been clear I might have been able to see what was ahead of me…” Highlight the sentence under the image on the page and you’ll see that it’s missing the words“are yet the”.These three words are in the phrase on the image – “There are horrible yet enchanting rhymes in the vampires endless requiem”. The phrase under the image is telling you to remove the useless words, i.e. the ones that were hidden in the sentence. If you take those three words out of the phrase, the beginning letter of each remaining word spells the answer –theriver.
Level 3: The South Dead River – Our main clue for this level is the phrase “How long must I stand this silent curse?”. The answer to this question is the correct answer to the riddle. If you look closely, there are four words hidden in the image – Lamentation, Woe, Fire and Forgetfulness. Our page source clue mentionsCharon and Google. If you Google the four words in the image you’ll discover that each word represents one of the five rivers of the underworld, according to Greek mythology. Charon is the ferrymen. The river that is missing is the fifth – The River Styx. If you enter styx as your answer, you receive another clue – “Learn about it“. We’re on the right track! A bit more Googling about The River Styx and a silent curse and you’ll discover that Gods that drank from the river lost their voices for nine years. This is our answer – nineyears.
Level 4: Woods of Jova – This level is a traditional ole’ riddle! Without light I could not live, light makes me weaker, I am nothing and I am because of you…”The answer is quite obvious if you have a bit of a think about it – shadow. The page source clue confirms this – they’re lyrics from a song titled Haunted by Shadows.
Level 5: Town of Jova – Ahhh maths! Never my strong point. We begin with the numbers on the image – 28561, 83521, 130321, 279841 – and the clue from the page source, “A face screaming, a dark church, four numbers… ^4″. ^4 is the important part of this clue, and with a bit of faffing about with your scientific calculator you’ll find that 13^4= 28561, 17^4=83521, 19^4=130321 and 23^4=279841. 13, 17, 19, 23 is a sequence of primenumbers.
Level 6: The Ancient Oak – There are two important clues in this level. The first clue at the bottom of the page tells us to “go to the next image…” If we right click the image of the tree on the page, the file name is oldoak-a.jpg. Logically, if we’re going to the next image, it would be named oldoak-b.jpg. If you type that in, you’ll find an image of a matrix full of letters. Our second clue lies in the source of our original page with the tree image. It tells us at the bottom that there is an imaginary picture somewhere. If you look closely at the page source, you’ll see that it is linking to an image called imaginary.jpg. Navigate to that image and you’ll find a list of coordinates. If you search out those coordinates on the matrix image (e.g. 1 is on the x-axis, 9i is 9 on the y-axis) you’ll come up with the sentence “was it a bat I saw”. This isn’t just an ordinary sentence – it reads the same both forwards and backwards and is called a palindrome.
Level 7: The Belasco Marsh – The first clue is what is written on the image itself,“listen to the cries of the dead”. If you look at the source, you can see that the swamp image is in fact an image map, which means there is a clickable section hiding on it somewhere. If we follow the directions on the image and listen to the cries of the dead, we should click on the mouth of the corpse head on the image. The next page has the next clue – “they tremble when they hear his name… he is Vlad the *blur*”. A bit of Google work and you’ll find about this guy from the 15th century named Vlad the impaler. Enter that into your URL and you’ll be taken to the next clue – “That is him. He took the lives of many men at this very spot. If those aren’t trees, what are they?”. If you do a bit of research on Vlad the Impaler you’ll read about The Night Attack and how charming Vlad impaled 20,000 Turkish prisoners on stakes. Which takes us to our next clue – “Indeed they are. Listen to the cries of the dead they say, but you cannot listen to a .htm file.”Change the file extension from .htm to .mp3 and prepare to listen to some screaming. The name of the next .htm is page is the phrase that the voice is screaming – takemeaway.
Level 8: West Dead River – There are three clues to this riddle. The first two are on the page – “the seventeenth wind was the strongest of them all and it sang in D-minor” and “it’s a shame its creator couldn’t hear it…”. If you’re a bit of a music nut like me, these two clues should be enough to start tickling your braincells – afterall, there aren’t many composers who were deaf. The final clue is in the page source – “rain can be treacherous, but it is nothing compared to what lies ahead”. What the clues are referring to is Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 17 in D-Minor, which is referred to as the tempest.
Level 9: Town of Alba – If you think back to level 5, you’ll remember that you were warned about a lying man from Alba and that you should ask him for directions. You need to establish the mans identity and he gives you nine clues and tells you that his name is ten letters long. You have to distinguish the true clues from the false ones, and the give-away on how to do this is in the punctuation of what is written in level 5 – “You have to find a way to distinguish truth from Lies”. Lies is written with a capital letter where it doesn’t warrant one – the clues that begin with a capital letter are lies (2, 5, 7, 8). I didn’t actually solve every riddle because some of them made absolutely no sense to me, but I managed to get enough that I could take a guess at his name. These are the ones I did solve:
Clue #3 – “/ are the last three letters of my name” and “Velocity”. Velocity means the distance traveled per unit of time and “/” is the symbol used to represent “per” – so, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P E R.
Clue #4 – “the third and fourth letters of my name is what you get if you take away the achievable from the impossible”. Easy! Achievable and possible are synonyms, so if we take possible out of impossible, we’re left with “im”. _ _ I M _ _ _ P E R.
I was able to guess the answer at this point – grimreaper.
Level 10: Sadam Woods – Our first clue can be found in the page source –“Veros Woods is far safer than where you are now… Perhaps you might find help somewhere in Veros…” So off to Veros we go! If you remember, Veros was level 2 – veros/darkness.htm. I stared at this page for at least 20 minutes before I noticed the text “bag.zip” mirrored and flipped in the bottom right corner. Type it into the URL and extract the folder to find a Silk Bag. Inside the Silk Bag folder is a text file and a mystery file called decryption. The text file tells you that you need to find the correct extension to open the decryption file. After extreme trial and error I found the extension to be .ttf. Drop the decryption.ttf file into your fonts folder (Control Panel > Fonts), open up word, select the font called “decryption” and type the letters that are on the image – ETQT ELDRTI. Make sure you type in uppercase because like the file in bag.zip says – Some Letters Are More Important Than Others. Ta da! There is your answer –werewolves.
Level 11: Storigoi Graveyard – The first clue for this level can be found in the page source – “The tongue of the dead is trying to touch you… Listen to it”.Tongue of the dead refers to a dead language – Latin. There are two Latin words written on the gravestone in the image – Nex and Undique. After a bit of a Google search you’ll find that these word mean “violent death” and “from all sides” – ordeatheverywhere.
Level 12: Dead Woods – Under the image it says “Vision is diminished by the fog, but yet you see too much…” and under that you’ll find “Remove the zeroes” if you highlight the pageThe URL of the page is x0×0x0×0x. Removing the zeroes from the URL gives you another hint – “There are not just five x’s… And you are removing the wrong zeroes.” The wrong zeroes – HMMMM. Okay, so we need to apply the same method from the URL to the phrase on the image. We remove every second letter for each WORD – not every second letter of the phrase as a whole, but of each word. Which gives us:
e i m s c n u e m
v l i t o s m s e
If you string all of these letters together – eimscnuemvlitosmse – and navigate to it, you’ll get another clue – “Transpose the matrix, and then read row by row…”
Uh oh.. more math. If you Google to find out what “transpose the matrix” means you’ll run into some linear algebra. Rather than explain this horrible concept that gave me a headache, I’ll just tell you that after flipping the letters and reading across the rows gives you the answer – evilmistconsumesme.
Level 13: Jam Wasteland – Although this puzzle looks extremely confusing, it’s quite simple once you know what to do. Basically, imagine in your mind that the first grid of arrows is transposed over the top of the letter grid, and then move the letters accordingly – O’s stay where they are, double arrows move two spaces, two directional arrows give you a choice of either direction, and letters that move off the grid should pop over to the opposite side. If you do one grid after another, you’ll come up with the solution – ghostlyopaquesky. If you look at the source of the next page, you’ll realise there’s an impossible-to-see period (.) on the page that you’re supposed to click – or you can cheat and type in the URL – ,.zip - and download it. After watching the creepy as hell movie, you’ll notice that the second flash of face has the word “erida” written on her rotting cheek. Entering that will give you another clue – “Yes, but what is she?” Google and you’ll find that she is the goddessofhate.
Level 14: Deborah Cliff - There are three clues that will tip off the answer to this one. The first one is completely obvious – thechain. The second is in the page source, “I wonder what prefix is used when something happens again…” The answer to this is “re”, e.g. redone. The final is in the text on the image – “a lot of activity” or, action. Put them all together and you’ve got your answer –chainreaction.
Level 15: Wicked Ditch – Be prepared to Google a lot for this one. The first step is answering the first clue at the bottom of the page – “I wonder who forged these bells…” The text on the image gives you a major hint – “Can you hear the Bells of Zlonice’s ringing?” Armed with these clues, we head to Google. A bit of research will tell you that Bells of Zlonice is a symphony composed by Antonin Dvorak in the 1800’s. If you input both his first and last name (separately) – antonin anddvorak - you’ll receive two clues. The first is that “Dvorak” will help you, and another Google hint and the second shows an image with the phrase “mabocrb_ajdah“. We also need to go back to the first page of this level and grab our last clue from the page source – “Red: D->Q | Green: Q->D”. The first thing I did was google Dvorak, and discovered that Dvorak is actually an alternative keyboard format to the QWERTY keyboard that is most commonly used. If we put two and two together, the third code means that the red text “mabocrb” should be deciphered by translating the Dvorak keyboard to the QWERTY keyboard (D->Q), and the green “ajdah” is the other way ’round. This gives us the answer – mansion_ahead.
Level 16: Bodley Mansion – The first clue for this level is to find where the red path leads; and in order to find where it leads, we need to find the path. If you’re paying close attention to the source, you’ll see that there is a hidden underscore between red and path, which gives us our first answer – red_path. The next page is pretty obvious. Our original clue was to find where the red path leads, and it’s pointing directly to the door. Hurray, more clues – “There has to be some guiding coordinates, you will need the map…” Again, pretty obvious – we’re looking for a map, so our next answer is map. There is an additional clue in the source,600×300 that will come into play later in the level. The next page is covered in coordinates which by themselves, are not very useful. The page clue is “Walk along the path …” which is telling us (in its usual cryptic style) to place the coords on the red path – literally. You’ll notice that both the red path and the map image are the same size. If you transpose the map on top of the red path and lower the transparency a little in an image program, you’ll see that certain coords fall directly on the red path – (67, 120), (250, 120), (260, 120), (360, 120). The clue that tells us where the heck we plot these coordinates is back on the map page –600×300. There is only one image in this level that has the dimensions 600×300 and it reads “There is something else you will have to go through if you want to reach the relic”. Again with an image program, plotting the coords onto this image will point to certain letters; leaving you with the answer –hell.
Level 17: The Piano – Ohhh… numbers. My favourite (gag). Alright, let’s grab all of the clues. The first clue is written on the image – “two words you must find.” So, whatever our final answer is, it’s made up of two words. Gotcha. The second clue is written under the image – “the smell of it is horrible…” Hmm. Whatever the answer is, it’s a bit ripe. Our final cryptic clue is in the source – “Red is twice, first and last, blue is once, remember the past: According to the clue of one, addition here can be done. Adding is what will make 2 from 1.” Not the most straightforward clue, huh? We’ll start with the first line of the source clue, it’s referring to the red and blue coloured dots that are on some of the piano keys. Each key of a standard piano is allocated a letter between A and G to represent the note, so each dot is spelling out a letter. The red dot is twice, the first and the last letter – d _ _ d. The blue dots are one each, giving you our first word – dead. The second word, and second part of our source clue is formed using the numbers on the piano keys. The clue is telling us that adding is what will give us two words, instead of one, and that the first word is our starting point. So, taking our first word, “dead”, we use the number allocated for each letter and add the corresponding amount of letters – i.e., d + 9 letters = m, a + 4 = e, e – 4 = a, d + 16 = t. Our answer is deadmeat.
Level 18: First Hall – If you’re as observant as I am, you’ll finish this level straight away! We have two clues, the first is on the image – “Spelling is important”. The second is in the source – “You are out of this world.” I noticed the spelling mistake as soon as the page loaded, it is definitely out of the little world created for Dracula’s Riddle – it’s in the URL, not on the page. If you were paying attention, you would have noticed that “bodley” turned to “boldey” in the URL. Fix up it up so that it reads bodley in the URL, and you’re off to the next level.
Level 19: Second Hall – For this level, we have to “stay focused…” Spelling comes into play again, and this time the error is in the source – “bgsuond src”. That’s not how you spell sound! Navigate to the mp3 file and give it a listen. It’s a bit spooky and difficult to understand, but the word you’re looking for is demon.
Level 20: Third Hall – Ohhhh a creepy ghostie looking thing. We have to “state his name to vanquish him…” There are two clues as to this scary dudes name. The first is on the image, “DCLXVI”, and the second is in the source, “it’s his number”. Creepy demon thing … a reference to a number? Unless you live under a rock you’ll know the number they’re referring to – 666, the number of the beast. Sure enough, DCLXVI is 666 in roman numerals. At this point I tried so many variations of “satan”, “antichrist”, etc. to no avail. I completely missed that the roman numerals were pointing me in a completely different direction. There is a scholarly theory that a Roman Emperor named Nero was the Antichrist. Thanks to wikipedia, I was on the right track. If you enter nero as your answer, it tells you that you’re getting closer. Putting in his surname (I think it’s his surname, he has serveral) gives you the answer – nerocaesar.
Level 21: The Relics – The most important clue in this level is the one written on the image – “nothing is the key”. The source clue is fairly straight forward – “use your knowledge of locked doors to escape this mansion”. If you come across a locked door, you would obviously need a key to open it. The clue under the image tells us that the door is unlocked, and apparently “nothing” is the key. Like most riddles, the answer to this one was staring me right in the face, but I couldn’t see it. “Nothing” is the key, so delete the file name completely (relics.htm), and you have your answer.
Level 22: Haunted Woods – Hello complicated level. First, download the .rar file, you’ll need it and it’s virus free, I promise. Inside you’ll find a picture, a text file, and a buttload of numbered folders. The key to this level is that we have to find a numbered clue that tells us which sequence of folders we open to get to the answer. First, open up the image for our first clue – “like God, the Divine Proportion is always similar to itself”. This quote is from a gentleman named Luca Pacioli and it is talking about the Divine Proportion, also known as the golden number or the golden ratio. If you’ve read the Da Vinci Code like I have, you’ll remember that there is a fair bit in there about this number (who ever thought that book would actually come in handy?). The Divine Proportion is said to be “God’s number” and can be found throughout nature and duplicated through art, architecture and music of the ages. A Greek fellow named Phidias, a sculptor and architect, created the Parthenon statues which are said to embody the Divine Proportion and became the basis of the mathematical term for this number – Phi. Phi is equal to 1.6180… etc. Using Phi as our roadmap, we navigate through the forest of folders. This takes a bit of trial and error using varying sequences of 1, 6, 1, 8, and 0 – the final answer is folder 161 followed by folder 80. Opening the text file gives us our answer –moveon. You’ll need to replace /room with /moveon in the URL to get to the next section.
Uh, oh. More riddles. The clue on the image reads “Go to the room of your worst fears. From there, go to the room of errors split in half”. The first part of this riddle, the room of fears, can be solved using the clue in the source – “1984 is far, far away”. After a bit of googling, I discovered that 1984 is the title of a book by George Orwell published in 1949. It is a novel about a fictional future (which fits in nicely with our clue) where the government is very Big Brother. There is a room in this story that is used for re-education and is said to contain the prisoner’s worst fears – Room 101. Open folder 101, that’s our first step. We need the second part of the riddle to open the next folder. This part of the riddle drove me CRAZY. After backtracking through all the levels on a hunch that it had something to do with the spelling error levels, I realised that “the room of errors” is something that I’ve visited a hell of a lot during this game – it’s the “lost” page that you get to when you’ve entered an incorrect answer. In geek talk, this page is called an error 404, or page cannot be found. Split 404 in half like the clue says, and you have your next folder – 202. The text file gives you your answer – replace /moveon with /deeper.
Still not finished! The word “scream” below the image is important in the next section of this level. The clue we need here is in the source – “go to him”. Yep… we need to navigate through the folders again. “Him” is a reference to the beast, and we need a number to navigate, so we use his number – 666. The correct sequence is 66 and then 6. This gives you the answer – replace /deeper with/free.
Last part, I promise! “Scream” comes into play here, it completes the sentence under the image and gives us our answer – replace /free withscreamandrun.htm. Hurray, the level is finally over!
Level 23: Town of Doina – Our first clue for this level is under the image – “So many numbers. In Bodley Mansion you needed the map. Now you need help…”. This is self-explanatory; the answer is help. Typing that in will give you the program required to complete this level. Download it and go back to the previous page, covered in numbers. The second clue is written on the image – “Let the past inspire you”. And the third clue is in the source – “Go back to the cursed lands of the dead…”. What we have to do is go back to a previous level in the game – the Storigoi Graveyard located at /sadam/werewolves.htm. On the top left corner of the image are some strange looking symbols that we didn’t use when we previously completed the level. Each symbol is like a little road map, if you apply them sequentially to the numbers on the image of level 23, each “arm” of the respective symbols point to the numbers that you require – 831 289 652 117 959 826 371 734 882 671. Entering these numbers into the program you downloaded will give you letters that spell out your answer – greatflame.
Level 24: The Gate – Uh oh, more numbers and counting. The clues we need to complete this puzzle are in the source – “hearts is water, clubs is fire, diamonds is earth, spades is air”. What’s important in those phrases isn’t what they’re actually saying, but the symbols that are beside the comment HTML codes (). Hearts is +, clubs is *, diamonds is – and spades is /. The symbols represent addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division respectively. The other source clue tells us that “everything starts with zero”. Back to our image, and we need to complete the math equations row by row using the clues given to us, always starting with zero. For example, the first row we start with zero; the next card is the queen of hearts which means we are adding (because hearts = addition) twelve (because the jack = 11, queen = 12, king = 13); followed by dividing (because spades = division) three and finally we add one – giving us an answer of 5. If you complete each row you come up with the numbers 5 7 3 4and 1. Now that we have our numbers, we use the final clue, located under the image, to solve our riddle –“ask the elite”I will cry if you didn’t get this reference straight away. On the interwebz there is a “language” called elite, or leet. It is characterised by the use of numbers to represent letters of a similar shape, e.g. “leet” is written as “1337″. Using the principles of leet, our numbers spell out our answer – steal.
Level 25: Dora Woods – “Somehow it feels like you have been here before.”You’re right, we have! This level has the same image as level 2 – but is it reallythe same? The text on the image is different, but if you look at the source code clue of level 2, it seems to match the phrase written on the level 25 image – “if my mind had been clear I might be able to see what was ahead of me”. If you’re paying close attention, you’ll notice a minor difference in the phrasing. Level 2 says “might have been” and level 25 says “might be”. The missing letters are h a v e e n. If we -e like it says in our source clue, that gives us haven.
Level 26: Black Forest – Our first clue for this level is under the image – “the Black Forest is her realm” – and the second is in the source – “she will tell you how to read”. So, what we need to do is discover who this female who resides in the Black Forest is, and that will reveal to us how to read the symbols that are on the image. The name of the image on the page is dea.jpg; using the words Dea and Black Forest, I headed off to google. I discovered this chick called Dea Abnoba who is considered to be the Goddess of the Black Forest. Typing inabnoba as our answer tells us that we have the right person and that it’s her origin that is important. Dea Abnoba is a Celtic Goddess and those symbols look a hell of a lot like Celtic runes, huh? Using a bit of fancy google footwork, I read about a certain type of Celtic runes called ogham runes. Use google image search to look for an ogham rune reference so that you can use it to translate the runes on the level 26 image. Translated, the runes read druidlands.
Level 27: East Bridge – There are two parts to this riddle. To solve the first part, we use the clue that’s written on the image – “the roots, go home”. The clue under the image is telling us we should go where it tells us, which is home. By “home” the riddle means that we should go back to where it all began – to the first page of Dracula’s Riddle, /index2.html. Viewing the source code there gives us some strange letters – *n ve a ai. Back to level 27 again and you’ll notice a similar formulation of numbers in the source there, * ex r g on. The final clue is another source clue that tells us that the flame is stronger than the morning star. There is a picture of a mace, or “morning star”, on the image for this level and back on index2 there is a picture of a flame. What you need to do is put the * letters underneath each other like so…

… and compare/combine them. You’ll notice that they fit together fairly well, except in a few cases where there are two letters allocated to certain positions. This is where the morning star/flame clue comes into play; we use the letters we got from the flame page instead of the morning star page, as they are “stronger”. This gives us the answer neveragain.
Level 28: Denis Marsh – Okay, let’s start with the clues on the page. We have the phrase “turn two into three, then you will see”written under the image, and on the image itself we have the letters “R I E N W B R” and an arrow pointing right. If we look at the source, it tells us to “follow the directions”. If we turn two into three, we are adding one. If we follow the directions (according to the arrow) we are going right. What this is cryptically and very unclearly telling us is that we should go one step right on our keyboard for every letter listed at the top of the page. For example, one step to the right of R is T on our keyboard, one right of I is O, etc. This gives us our answer, torment.
Level 29: Berkley Mansion – The key to this level is not to over complicate things like I did. I spent so much time googling number theory and integers that I completely missed the obvious. Before I get ahead of myself, lets look at the clues. The clues on the page are “each untruth attants life’s venerableness”written on the image, and “the n:th of the n:th” written underneath. In the page source is “int n”. Now, I’m sure there’s probably some complicated mathematical solution to this level using integers, but lets take the route for dummies (aka guessing) like I did. What we need to do is pick certain letters out of the phrase on the image to come up with our answer. To do this, we substitute “n” for the order number of the word as it corresponds to the sentence. For example, “the 1st of the 1st” and we take the first letter from the first word; “the 2nd of the 2nd” and we take the second letter from the second word, and so on and so forth. This gives us our answer, enter.
Level 30: The Stairs – We have three clues here, “the theater” written on the image, “transpose the matrix…” written under the image, and “identify three” in the source. The first part of this level I stumbled on by accident, so I’m not sure if I missed a step here. After staring blankly for ages, I decided to go where the clue on the image was telling me to go “the theater”. Type inthetheater and you come to a page that says “almost…”. I’m Australian, and we use British English, so I corrected the spelling and typed in thetheatre. Bingo! A spooky mp3 file that says something about a “fallen god”. It’s not what is said in the mp3 that’s important here, it’s the mp3 file itself. If we go back to our source file clue, identify three, and abbreviate that to ID3, we can do a bit of sneaky google work and come up with some useful information. Basically, ID3 refers to a method of storing data like the track title, performing artist and other information within an audio file. If the mp3 file doesn’t open automatically in Windows Media Player, you’ll need to save the mp3 to your computer (right click the link and select Save Link As). In WMP, click File > Properties once you have the mp3 file open and go to the Content tab to see the track information. If everything goes according to plan, you should see the two numbers we need in the Composer and Copyright fields – 12and 94.
Back to our remaining clue from the original page, and we’re back to the transposing the matrix nonsense from level 12. If you grab a piece of paper and write down “1294″, and then write those same numbers in columns, like so…
1 9
2 4
…and read it left to write down both columns, you’ll get 1924. A bit of googling and you’ll discover that in 1924 the very first approved (the first was sued for copyright infringement!) adaptation of the original Dracula novel hit the theatres in the form of a stage play. The Dracula novel was written by the novelist Bram Stoker. Entering his name (bramstoker) will take us a step closer – “learn about him”. If you keep all of our present progress in mind and do a bit of research on the life of Bram Stoker, you’ll discover that like many creative geniuses, his success came post-mortem and he was better known during his lifetime as the business manager of the Lyceum Theatre in London (a theatre! ring any bells?). The name of the theatre is our answer –lyceum.
Apparently I missed a few numbers in the ID3 step of this riddle that would have made life a lot easier. I don’t know if it was my computer configuration, or what happened there, but there are two additional numbers that when transposed give the date of Bram Stokers death. Thanks to Rem for this info (see comments).
Level 31: The Dark Hallway – At last, an easy level! This level took me an entire 2 minutes to complete. We have a few clues in this level, and we’ll start with the page clues – “why have you forsaken me?” written on the image and “your protector…” written underneath. The phrase why have you forsaken me? is from the bible. It is said to be spoken by Jesus as he was crucified; which fits in well with the your protector clue, as in Christian belief, Jesus’ sacrifice was to protect us. If we cruise over to our page source clue, it tells us that “it is too dark to see, you cannot rely on your vision anymore”. You’ll also notice in the page source that the page contains an image map, which means that there is a clickable area on the image somewhere; you’ll find it at the end of the hallway. Clicking it will take you to another page, with another clue – “I am the symbol…”. If you pay careful attention to the clickable area on our hallway image, you’ll notice that it’s in the shape of a cross (which again ties in with the whole Jesus theme). Typing in cross tells us we’re heading in the right direction, but “that is the shape, what is the symbol?”The name of the symbol is crucifix.
Level 32: The Darkest Hall – Let’s run through the clues. On the image there’s a row of numbers, the phrase “false rumours are quickly spreading… rueful things about the traveller”, and a skull surrounded by the alphabet, with a 0 next to Z. Under the image is “you are going in circles…” and in the source is “one is love, two is jewellery, eight steps back will help you”. The page source clue tells us to go eight steps back, meaning 8 levels back, bringing us to level 24, The Gate. Yep, it’s that horrible card counting level. If you remember the solution for level 24, each suit represented addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Our clue tells us that one is love (hearts = addition) and two is jewellery (diamonds = subtraction). If you were paying close attention, you’d have noticed that each group of three digits across the top of the image begins with either a one or a two. Go through each set of numbers and add or subtract the second two digits according to the first digit (if it’s 1, add the two digits; if it’s 2, subtract the 3rd digit from the 2nd). For example, 237 is 3-7 = -4; 154 is 5 +4, etc. You should come up with the numbers -4, 9, 5, -3, 1, 12, 12. Now we move to the skull wheel! Starting at Z/0, move around the wheel the corrsponding amount of steps. Clockwise if it’s a positive number, anti-clockwise if it’s a negative number. For example, -4 = v, 9 = i, etc. Giving you th answerviewall.
A red-tinted rectangle appears, covering the middle section of the image. Here’s where the phrase clue comes in – the letters that haven’t been covered spell our final answer – fadingruler.
Level 33 - The most important clues in this level are the page title, “Luke”, and the file name, “223″. These clues are refering to a passage from the bible, Luke 22:3. It reads, then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.Judas Iscariot was one of the twelve apostles and is reknowned for his betrayal of His holyness (see the page source clue) Jesus Christ. The answer to this level is judas.
Level 34: The Relics – The only clues for this level are both on the page – the words “descend” and “leave”. Pretty simple, really – we have to leave our current location by descending. According to the URL, we’re on the second floor, so we need to go down a floor. A slight edit to change the word second to first (secondfloor/judas.htm to firstfloor/judas.htm), and we’re done!
Level 35: Denis Woods - Oooh, pretty colours. According to the clue under the image, “red is where you are, green is where you are going, blue is what will take you there…” In the source is the clue “you must see the whole picture”. If you pay close attention to the file name of the image on the page, there is a logical way for us to view the “whole picture”. The file name is zoomin.jpg, so we change it tozoomout.jpg. Aha! Labels! “Anger” and “depression”, with the clue “death is everything”. If you cruise over to google you’ll discover that anger and depression are two of the five stages of grief – denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. If anger is where we are, depression is where we’re going, then blue represents the step that comes between –bargaining.
Level 36: Dabi’s Path - This level drove me absolutely insane. It was a lot of guess work on my part, so I don’t know if I solved it in the correct way or not – but a right answer is a right answer, right?! Okay, so the clue under the image is what’s important here – “colorize”. This clue is frustratingly obvious, yet took me close to an hour of tearing my hair out before I thought to entercolorize as the answer. Duh.
Now, some more clues. The words “anger” and “fear” in red and blue and under the image, “purple is the answer”. The colours red and blue make purple when combined, so our answer is a combination of anger and fear. After a lot of trial and error, I got the answer – hate. As the source clue says, it’s definitely everywhere in this riddle.
And that is the conclusion of Part One of Dracula’s Riddle. Hurray for us!

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